Saturday, October 3, 2009

Why Not Make The Most Of Your Weekend?

Why Not Make The Most Of Your Weekend?

Just a quick 'Marchee The Diva' blog post on this first weekend in October. It's another rainy Brooklyn, New York Saturday. Before you watch the game, do laundry or headout for some time with your family like I am...

Don't forget to do your blog post.

I don't know about you, but I always usually try to have fun over the weekend...

Have a great weekend, and of course... Keep Having Fun!

Marchee The Diva

Why Not Make The Most Of Your Weekend?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Do You Like To Pose For Photographs?

Great! Good for you...

I am getting that sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach...

I really don't like posing for photographs. I hardly ever take photographs because it's just not my "thing".

I don't like looking at the camera.